Mobile video advertising: Making Unskippable Ads

Hey medspa owners! Let’s talk about how the mobile revolution is changing the game for video content and what this means for your medspa marketing. Should the way we tell stories adapt to the small screen? Google’s Art, Copy & Code team set out to answer this question, and their findings can help you create more engaging, unskippable content for your audience.

The Power of Mobile

Our mobile devices are always with us—in our hands, pockets, and on our bedside tables. They’re often the first thing we check in the morning and the last before bed. This constant connection means mobile is a powerful platform for storytelling. But how does the small screen impact the way people experience these stories?

Ad creatives have long been challenged by mobile’s small canvas for big stories. Yet, mobile offers a unique opportunity to establish deeper personal connections with your audience, more so than TV or desktop. As the world increasingly shifts to mobile video, medspa owners need to figure out how to tell compelling brand stories on these devices.

Unskippable Labs: Experimenting with Mobile Video Ads

To understand what resonates in mobile video advertising, Google’s team launched Unskippable Labs. Using YouTube TrueView ads, which allow viewers to choose whether to watch or skip, they tested different cuts of the same story to see what makes an ad unskippable. They used Google’s Brand Lift solution to gather metrics like ad recall and brand awareness, aiming to uncover what truly engages viewers on mobile.

The Mobile Recut: Experimenting with Mountain Dew

For their first experiment, Google worked with Mountain Dew to see if they could make a successful TV ad even more engaging on mobile. They tested three different cuts of the Mountain Dew Kickstart “Come Alive” spot to see which would perform best on mobile.

  1. The Original: A 30-second ad with a classic story arc.
  2. The Big Punch: A 31-second ad starting with a bold product shot and countdown.
  3. Pure Fun: A 1-minute, 33-second ad without a traditional storyline, focusing on pure action and intrigue.

Findings from the Experiment

Unexpected Wins: Surprisingly, “Pure Fun,” which had no traditional storyline, was viewed 26% more on mobile than the other cuts. Viewers were intrigued by the unexpected and wanted to see where the story would go.

Engagement on Mobile: Not only did “Pure Fun” perform better in terms of view-through rates, but viewers watched it for longer periods—over a minute on average. This suggests that mobile audiences are open to longer, richer content, challenging the notion that mobile ads must be short and snappy.

Brand Recall vs. Awareness: Interestingly, while ad recall for “Pure Fun” was lower, brand awareness was similar across all cuts. This indicates that even if viewers didn’t remember the ad, they remembered the brand, showing the effectiveness of engaging, story-driven content.

Implications for Medspa Marketing

For medspa owners, this experiment underscores the importance of adapting your video content for mobile. It’s not just about making shorter ads; it’s about making them more engaging and suited to the mobile experience. Think about creating content that’s intriguing and rich, rather than just quick and snackable.

At 1513 Media, we specialize in helping cosmetic businesses like yours create compelling video content that resonates on mobile. From social media shorts to detailed branding videos, we ensure your stories captivate and engage your audience, turning your social media into a profitable lead source.

The Future of Mobile-First Video

As our attention increasingly shifts to mobile, it’s clear that the way we create and consume video content needs to evolve. For medspas, this means embracing longer, richer stories that captivate viewers and build brand awareness. The evolution of mobile-first video content will be fascinating to watch, and those who adapt will thrive in this new landscape.

Ready to elevate your medspa’s video content for the mobile-first world? Contact 1513 Media today to discover how we can help you create unskippable, engaging videos that drive results.

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